Magnan Vac Truck Service offers car wash sump services in Edmonton to help preserve and maintain your water systems.
Our Car Wash Sump Services
Car wash sumps have many parts that go into draining water and keeping sediment at bay. Parts include the well, the catch basins and the drains. Each of these parts will need to be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis so that no unwanted particles make it into the drain system, which could lead to expensive plumbing repairs from clogged pipes.
Over time, sediment can get into wells and build up on the bottom to prevent proper draining. If your car wash sump isn’t draining, Magnan Vac Truck Service can clean out the contents and jet the lines and ensure it is flowing properly.
Our car wash sump cleaning process stops sediments and grit from reaching the pump. This prevents the buildup on the bottom of your tank, which maintains a larger sized well and prevents flooding and overflowing.
If your parking lot is flooding, or if you are uncertain of the last time your catch basins were serviced, contact us so we can assess the situation and develop of plan of action to solve the problem.
With proper maintenance, the car wash sump prevents flooding and water backup at your car wash.
Sustaining a proper functioning car wash sump maintenance is necessary we can help you preserve and maintain your water systems.
We clean out the tracks and sumps and dispose of the waste material properly, and environmentally so it won’t invade your drainage system.
Importance of a Clean Car Wash Sump
If you own or manage a car wash, you know all about the importance of the car wash sump, also known as the waste pump or sludge pit. The place where all of the grit, sand, cleaning chemicals, and dirt from each car you wash is drained to.
Waste Management Experts
Paint Chips
Sump wastes, while not always harmful, have the potential to be hazardous. There are laws in place stating where these materials can be disposed to. Magnan Vac Truck Service has the skill and experience to properly drain and dispose of the potentially hazardous materials in your sump system in safe and environmentally friendly fashion.
Sump wastes from car wash bays are made up of:
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Metals from rust, used oil and even anti-freeze are often present in the waste, but they’re rarely at levels high enough to be considered hazardous. Hydrocarbons, which are found in gasoline, oil and grease, more often do render the waste hazardous. Because of this, car wash sump waste must be recycled or disposed of at an approved waste management facility.
When you call Magnan Vac Truck Service, we can handle the disposal process for you. Our team will pump the sludge from you system into filter bags that will allow the cleaner water to flow free into the sewer while removing the potentially harmful sludge. We let the bags dry out then dispose of them in approved waste management facilities so you don’t have to.